我们位于雪州丹绒士拔的自家农场创始于1993年。丹绒士拔是一个小镇。其主要经济活动包括种植业,养殖业,捕鱼业和旅游业。 有一天,我们五个来自叶姓家庭的表兄弟在一次的家庭聚会碰面。 我们都是来自不同领域,有工程,营销,巧克力店店长和机械修理。虽然我们工作不同, 可是都呆在雪隆地区。
1. 我们都觉得雪隆地区的猪肉有猪臭味,跟我们在家乡吃的不一样。
2. 我们应该把自家农场的顶级猪肉(无抗身素,无长肉剂)分享给其他人。
3. 我们应该提供便利给大众,让他们无需出门就可以买到优质猪肉。
4. 卫生
5. 为了推广丹绒士拔农民的优质产品, 带动村内经济发展。
很幸运的, 我们这几个小瓜的想法得到了我们家人的全力支持!然后我们创办了“小猪生鲜”!
“当我们做, 我们做到最好! 当我们选, 我们选最好的!”
这句话一直都深深烙印在我们的心中,是我们公司的经营哲学。 因此, 我们投资了真空包装机, 切割机,速冻机和其他器具,只为了让我们的猪肉品质更好,更安全。 顾客为先!我们希望每一个顾客在我们这里都有一个美好的购物体验!
Story of Little Pigs Grocer
Our pig farm established since 1993, located in a small fish village at Selangor, called Tanjong Sepat. Tanjong Sepat is a small town with several main economic activities such as plantation, farming, fishing and tourism. One day, 5 cousins from Yap Family was met together during family gathering. All of us are from different works fields such as Engineering, Marketing, Chocolate Shop Manager and Mechanical equipments technician. We all in different fields but all of us working at Klang Valley.
Why do we started to sell pork online? Since there are thousands of pork retailers at Klang Valley area.
The reasons:
1. Bad pork smell for pork sold at some Klang Valley area’s store.
2. We should share our own farm premium pork which is free from antibiotics and grow hormone to public.
3. We should make people convenience, they do not need to go out for just buying pork.
4. Hygiene issue.
5. To promote premium quality product from Tanjong Sepat.
Luckily, our family members fully supported our ideas and we founded Little Pigs Grocer!
“When we do, we do our best! When we choose, we choose the best!”
This always become our company’s philosophy. Therefore, we invested on vacuum machine, cutting machine, high tech freezer and other equipment for making our products good to be consumed and safe to be consumed. Customers are always our first priority. We hope to serve our customers and make them happy when shopping with us!